SAMPLER VSS1 PLS Specification

​​Stack Temperature Range

​Ambient to 600 deg C and 500-1000C read on separate Digital Pyrometers

​Temperature Sensor

​At Metering Point (0-50 oC)

​Ambient Temperature

​Ambient temp. Digital display

​Stack Velocity Range

​0 to 60 m/sec


​Thermocouple sensor in SS 304 casing, length of insertion: 1 m with 2m long cable. Additional 1m thermocouple for High Temperature range


​Calibrated S-type pitot tube fabricatedfrom SS304, 1m length

​Pitot Tube

​2 –60 lpm collection on thimble type filter up to 0.3 micron rating.

​Particulate Sampling

​0.2 – 6 lpm collection in a set of Borosilicate glass impingers.

​Gaseous Sampling

​0.2 – 6 lpm collection in a set of Borosilicate glass impingers.


​Acrylic body rotameter with 2% FSD accuracy, 0 – 60 lpm for Particulate and 0-6 lpm for gases.

​Sampling Probe

​Made from SS 304 tube, 1m length

​Filter Holder

​Fabricated from SS 304 tube suitable to hold either cellulose filteration thimble (size 28mm lD X 100mm long) or glass micro fibre thimble (size 19mm lD X 90mm long).


​A set of 4 stainless steel nozzles.

​Digital Clock

​0 -60 minutes, 1 second readout with start and stop switches.


​4 No. of 250 ml capacity and 4 No. of 120ml capacity borosilicate glass impingers supplied with cold box with a provision to keep ice.

​Vacuum Pump

​Monoblock Rotary Vane type, oil lubricated, 0.5HP single phase motor (230V) with more than 60lpm free flow capacity

​Programmable Sampling

​Programmbale Timer for Vacuum Pump to start and stop at fixed time interval.

​Dry gas Meter

​Dry Gas Meter with Resolution of 1L


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