Benzene Analyzer
Alpha 400, designed and manufactured by Synspec Netherlands, is a gas chromatograph based simple but precise benzene only analyzer.
Alpha 400 is a compact GC containing all the essential elements: preconcentration sampling unit, backflush valve, separation column in special small oven unit and detector. The detector is a PID.
The gas sample is concentrated in a TRAP. The sample is then desorbed and injected over the valve into a column and benzene passes on to the detector. The system is optimized for ambient benzene concentrations.
All higher boiling hydrocarbons will be BACKFLUSHED. This gives two advantages to the system: auto cleaning every cycle and that a very short cycle ( for benzene standard 10 minutes). The system is adapted to the specific hydrocarbon that must be monitored with regards to the essential parameters: column, flow, temperature and backflush setting. The OVEN is isothermal
Alpha’s software has got two levels of user’s interfaces: user’s level for an operator and a higher level for a technician allowing to adjust, calibrate and maintain the gc. Both interfaces communicate with a Server. GC data can be accessed locally or remotely by dedicated software for client and for technicians for all necessary functions: data transfer, including alarms, calibration start, program adjustment, communications with external equipment like stream selectors. the access can be local, by modem or via internet.
- CE approval for EMC conformity: EN 61010-1, EN 61000-6-2 and EN 60111-6-3
Detector | PID Levels: 0,15ppb to 0,03 ppm for benzene Cycle: 10 min |
Range | 0 – 100 ppb for PID |
Repeatability | <1% of FS |
GC specification | Column cage with special application column 10 port valve Synspec; pre-concentration trap; detector PID |
Dimensions | 19” rack, 3 standard Height Units, depth 37.2 cm net, weight 12 Kgs |
Calibration | Internal calibration switch for calibration zero and span gas Gas stream required 25 ml at ambient pressure |
Consumption of gas | PID : Nitrogen, quality 5.0, 3.0 bar 20 ml/min |
Power demand | 220 V AC, 200 VA (110 V AC available) |
Included hardware | Computer Pentium class, hard disk >20Gb, 6” full colour LCD |
Approvals | CE approval for EMC conformity : |
Included software | Windows Xpe Embedded, GC Software |
Communication | Direct control via external screen, keyboard or mouse |
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