Impactor based (USEPA published design)Electronic Flowrate Controller with valve system
The APM 550EL system is a manual method for sampling fine particles (PM 2.5 fraction). Ambient air enters the APM 550EL sampler system through an omnidirectional inlet designed to provide a clean aerodynamic cut-point for particles greater than 10 microns. Particles in the air stream finer than 10 microns proceed to a second impactor that has an aerodynamic cut-point of 2.5 microns. The air sample and fine particulates exiting from the PM 2.5 impactor are passed through a 47mm diameter Teflon filter membrane that retains the fine particulate matter
APM 550EL keeps the sampling rate constant at 1m3/hr by a microprocessor- based electronic flow controller that automatically compensates for increasing pressure drop due to dust deposits on the filter. An ambient air temperature sensor and barometric pressure sensor have been provided to automatically provide temperature and pressure correction while reporting flow rate in volumetric flow units. An additional filter pressure sensor is also provided to continuously monitor and record the filter pressure and the system terminates the sample collection if the pressure drop across the filter exceeds a safe limit.
The APM 550EL has an in-built USB Flash memory-based data logger that records Filter ID, air temperature, filter temperature, barometric pressure, flow rate, and Coefficient of Variation (CV) and also totalizes and records the volume of air sampled. PC-based software is provided to download the data for audit and prepare an intelligent report highlighting all important information in a convenient graphical format.
Special features:
- PM 10 and PM 2.5 Impactors as per designs standardized by USEPA
- The microprocessor-based controller maintains a constant air sampling rate of 16.7 LPM
- The microcontroller-based data logger records Air Temp., Filter Temp., Filter Pressure, Barometric Pressure, Flow Rate, and Air Sample Volume
- Data Recorded in USB Memory stick/card
- In-built system to control the start and stop times of sampler
- Auto Shut off of Sampler if flow rate varies from 16.7 LPM ± 10%. due to filter choking
- A large backlit LCD provides all system parameters at a glance
- Summary of run-time parameters provided at end of sample duration
- PC-based software provides an intelligent report of all system parameters recorded during