Our Story
The beginning...
1981 - 1982
Industrial emissions monitoring became mandatory as a result of The Air (prevention and control of pollution) Act passed by the Indian parliament.
The necessary instruments and requisite manpower was not available for monitoring therse industrial emissions. ​
Realising this gap, a group of professionals from IIT decided to setup 'Envirotech' to pioneer the development of indigenous technology and instrumentation for monitoring the air environment.
Envirotech produced the first indigenous Stack Monitor for Source Monitoring and High Volume Sampler for Ambient Air Quality Monitoring.
To test its hardware in field and to gain competence and experience in industrial emssion monitoring, Envirotech took several assignments from variety of industries to carry out monitorings.

Industrial Emission Monitoring
During this period, Envirotech attempted carrying out Environmental Impact Assessment study at Savai Madhopur in Rajasthan

Field team during Envirotech’s consultancy assignment at Savai Madhopur
A comprehensive Environmental Protection Act was legislated by Government of India, which made EIA's mandatory for all kinds of developmental projects. As a result of this comprehensive legislation, monitoring of industrial emissions, ambient air, shop floor, noise, water quality, etc., became a mandatory requirement and assessment was required for the finding out the impacts on environment due to the developmental projects. This made project proponents to carry out all required mitigation measures for reducing the environmental impact.
During this time, Envirotech received several requests for EIA studies.Consequently, Envirotech set up a separate consultancy divison by the name of Envirotech Consultants Pvt. Ltd. and took several EIA assignments thereafter.
Also, in this year, Envirotech brought mobility to environment by producing a mobile pollution monitoring van and delivered its first environment pollution monitoring van to Tata steel JRD Tata.

India’s First Mobile pollution monitoring van Developed by Envirotech
Envirotech delivered its first environment pollution monitoring van to Tata steel JRD Tata in the picture with the Van.
Assessment of local meteorology became very important in dispersion of pollutants and therefore, Envirotech replaced cumbersome chart recording wind monitoring system with PC based data logging systems.

WM 100 Series
Envirotech introduced instruments for assessment of shop floor pollution and on workers.

APM 821
APM 800
There was a realization that the entire dust present in the ambient air does not get inhaled by the human beings and only a fraction of it, that is inhaled, enters the human respiratory system. So, it became necessary to measure inhalable particles i.e. the particles which are less than 10 microns.
Envirotech in association with NEERI, developed a simple indigenous technology to separate total dust in the ambient air into two portions: inhalable particles and coarser particles and produced first instrument called Respirable Dust Sampler APM 451 with the know-how from NEERI, Nagpur

India’s First Respirable Dust sampler Envirotech APM 451
During this period, The Motor Vehicle Act also got ammended for monitoring vehicular emissions. Envirotech produced a Smoke Meter to monitor exhaust from diesel powered vehicles

Smoke Meter
In 1992, Montreal Protocol was signed in which CFC was required to be phased out. EnviroTech produced a unique CFC recovery and recyclinng system.

CFC Recovery & Recycling System
To reduce emissions from the motor vehicles, Goverment of India made it mandatory to de-lead the petrol and Benzene was added as an anti-knocking compound. Therefore to detect the presence of benzene, due to combustion of petrol, Envirotech produced an activated charcoal adsorption based organic vapour sampler for monitoring benzene in ambient air.

Organic Vapour Sampler
Mixing heights became a very important requirement to assess the disperssion of pollutants in ambient air. Envirotech produced a Monostatic SODAR with help from scientists of National Physical Laboratory (NPL)
Envirotech used its Monostatic SODAR and its own Wind Monitoring Systems, for carrying out a comprehensive carrying capacity study at Reva Satna – MP.
The importance of fine particulates in the ambient air was recognized and it was felt that the particles of size less than 2.5 microns are more harmful than PM 10 as they reach deeper into the human lungs.
Envirotech produced India's first PM 2.5 sampler, APM 550, by taking the public domain design from USEPA.

APM 550
2004- 2005
The importance of Real Time Monitoring was felt as it was realized that we need to manage air Quality in a timely manner so monitoring the short term concentration values of the pollutants in the ambient air became a necessity. Envirotech took lead in this field and set up its first online monitoring station for APPCB at Hyderabad in 2005 and also took responsibilty for its operation and maintenance. This was an important rquirement headed by Envirotech. Now it has become mandatory in country, to setup and take on the responsibility of operating and maintaining online monitoring station.
Thereafter, Envirotech has setup another 150 online monitoring stations across the country for various Pollution Control Boards as well as for some prominent industries.
Envirotech has also set up two online monitoring stations at Oman and operated and maintained them for a decade.

Envirotech sets up first online monitoring station for APPCB at Hyderabad

Envirotech sets up online monitoring station at Kanpur and Varanasi
The importance of noise in the ambient air was deeply recognized and Envirotech developed a hand held Class II Integrating Noise Level Meter SLM 100.

Class II Integrating Noise Level Meter - SLM 100
Several improvements were made in the existing hardware based on the feedback received from customers in last two decades. Envirotech developed its first mass flow controller based PM 2.5 sampler, which can operate at a constant flow rate thorughout its sampling period.
Simillarly Respirable dust sampler was also made electronically flow controlled systems.

Envirotech also setup a Real Time Noise Monitoring Station at Patna in association with Norsonic company based in Norway.
In 2009, NAAQS were modified and Heavy metals monitoring in ambient air was made mandatory.
Envirotech with the help of IIT Delhi, produced a prototype Heavy Metal Sampler and tested it extensively in a coal based mine area at Singrauli, Madhya Pradesh.

Heavy Metal Sampler
Scientist across the world found that Ultra fine dust particles of size less than 1 microns are more lethal particles that enter in human body and reach blood vessels.
Envirotech again took lead and with know-how from IIT Kanpur produced first indigenous Ultra-Fine dust sampler APM 577

Ultra-Fine dust sampler (PM 1) - APM 577
In 2017, Mercury pollution grabbed the attention as its impact is really harmful on the human beings. Therefore, there was a need to monitor mecury in the ambient air. Envirotech again took lead and produced toxic vapour sampler to monitor mercury vapours in ambient air.

Indigenous organic vapour sampler
Envirotech is actively looking at the features and keeps on identifying the possible new requirements for monitoring Air pollution and Air Quality and is now currently working with several academic and research institutions in the country to produce indigenous sensors for monitoring PM 2.5, CO and NO2, with the help of IIT Delhi and IIT Madras, under Uchhatar Avishkar Yojana launched by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. The project is still under progress.
Recently, Envirotech signed an agreement with IIT Jodhpur, to develop an indigenous instrument for monitoring odour in the ambient air.
Envirotech is actively working with IIT Madras, to develop road dust collectors and air purifiers. This process in ON both within the company and outside in the premier research institutes.
Social Responsibility
With the implementation of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act in 1981 and the comprehensive Environmental Protection Act in 1986, environmental consultancy offered an excellent opportunity to understand the field challenges in diverse environmental conditions.
This knowledge has been shared with the community time to time by Envirotech by conducting seminars, training workshops, product demonstrations, etc.

Envirotech displayed its first products at exhibition on environment at Mumbai in 1983.
Prof G D Agarwal in discussions with Sh. Digvijay Singh Minister for Environment, Govt. of India
Envirotech shared its experiences of EIA with scientific community at a training course at Dehradun

Noted Enviornmentalist Ms. Vandana Shiva sharing her views

Prof SK Saraf of IIT Kanpur Sharing his experience
Envirotech undertook EIA Studies to develop its own Understanding & Competence.
Field team during Envirotech’s consultancy assignment at Hutti Gold Mines in Karnataka in 1985


Envirotech organized an Awareness program on environment at Delhi on its foundation day, 2nd October 1986, Shri PC Tyagi Then Chairman of CPCB receiving bouquet from Ms Madhu Gupta, wife of Shri SK Gupta, Founder Member of Envirotech

Envirotech organized another conference on Environmental Laws in which many eminent judges and environmental Lawyers participated

Organizes first hands on training program on maintenance of instruments seen in picture are Prof Siddiqi, Shri P C Tyagi, Prof Panesar

Another Training Program on Air Quality monitoring at Salem, Tamil Nadu.
Prof BB Sundershan, Prof CA Shastri & Prof GD Aggarwal sharing their knowledge and experience with participants

Creating Environment Awareness in Nepal
Fostering International Cooperation

National workshop of environment planning and management of Industrial estates

Shri R.H Khwaja, APPCB delivering lecture during Training Program at Hyderabad 1994

Creating awareness amongst college students, Minister Jagdish Tytler at at Ramjas Collage at New Delhi viewing Envirotech exhibits

Dispersion Modeling Workshop at Patiala

Envirotech Conducts Free Cancer Cure Camp at Delhi using breakthrough indigenous technology at Delhi

Concerned with workers health Envirotech organized a workshop to discuss problems of worker exposure due to shop floor pollution, with Mayor & Labour Commissioner of Kanpur

Another Short course training program on Air Quality monitoring at Bangalore
To create awareness about dust impact on human health Envirotech organized an article contest.

To create awareness about dust impact on human health Envirotech organized an article contest.

Giani Zail Singh arrived at the Prize Distribution Ceremony of Article Contest

A series of talks on Air Pollution

Experts discussions on Satna Rewa Study conducted by Envirotech, on Air pollutrion dispession at IHC, Delhi
Hands on Training Program conducted at Shilong on Air Quality Monitoring Management


Envirotech as a part of with CII delegation to Canada with PM of British Columbia Ujjwal Dosainji

Training course on Air Quality Monitoring & Management at NEERI, Nagpur

Mobile Environment Monitoring Van Developed for Government of Bhutan in Dec 2002

Envirotech donated Instruments to University of Agriculture, Markudi, Nigeria in 2003

Training Program held at Maldives in Association with UNEP

Forging international cooperation with Bhutan

Envirotech helped to build houses for flood affected residents in Distt Badmer of Rajasthan