Envirotech has established itself as an expert in Air Pollution Monitoring and manufacturer of indigenous air quality monitoring instruments in India and therefore it has been recognized by regulatory bodies and leading research institutions. Here are a few examples of this recognition:
Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
For past several years senior personnel from EIPL have been nominated to the expert committee of the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) entrusted with the task of formulating Standards & Test Methods for various Air Pollutants.
Department for Scientific and Industrial research (DSIR)
In 1998, DSIR recognized Envitotech as an 'in-house' R&D organization
CPCB and many state regulatory bodies entrusted specialized air quality monitoring work to Envirotech team for reliable assessment of air quality status.
Consortium of IIT Delhi and IIT Madras signed an agreement with Envirotech for development og indigenous sensors for monitoring PM 2.5, CO and NO2 under Uchhatar Avishkar Yojana launched by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India
Over the years, Envirotech has collaborated with several leading research institutions for development of its products. Some key examples of such collaboration include:
It successfully commercialized technologies from CSIR-NEERI for Respirable Dust Sampler PM10 and technology of PM1 sampler obtained from IIT Kanpur.
Current Projects
Collaboration with IIT-DELHI and IIT-MADRAS for development of Indigenous Sensors for monitoring PM2.5, CO & NO2. This is a project funded by MHRD – Govt. of India under UAY-scheme,
Collaborating with Dept. of Physics, IIT Delhi for producing sampler for monitoring heavy metals in the ambient air.
Envirotech has signed an agreement with IIT-Jodhpur for development of Odour Monitoring Devices.
Closely working with National Physical Laboratory -CSIR Lab of Govt. of India on development of a unique Bacterial filtration efficiency facility which shall be used for certification of Masks. Such facilities are not available at present in India.
Authorized Distributor for ECOMESURE Products in India
Envirotech Instruments is Authorized distributor of Ecomesure product in India - visit
Ecomesure partners with @Envirotech Instruments, which is a leading manufacturer of air pollution monitoring Instruments in India, to distribute its connected systems. Due to the density of traffic, industrial emissions and smoke from agricultural burning, India has nine of the 10 most polluted cities in the world. Together, we play a key role in democratizing air quality data and tackling this air pollution !
#india #partnership #airmonitoring