Monitors particulate matter and water soluble gases from stack/ stationary source using grab sampling technique
The most common and widely used method (world over) is extractive sample method or Grab sampling technique. Grab sampling technique is also often treated as the reference standard method. Grab Sampling technique is not restricted to a specific pollutant. The same system with different reagents may be used for a variety of pollutants and over different ranges of concentration. This Stack Sampler VSS1 is one such Grab Sampler which can monitor Particulate Matter (PM) and any watersoluble gaseous pollutants like SO, , NO., HF, Cl, , H, S, NH, etc., in industrial emissions from Stationary source I Chimney and Vent.
PORTABILITY FOR ROUTINE SAMPLING Only repeat and frequent monitoring can give a true insight into the emission characteristics. It is thus more important to have a simpler and handy device,which can be used more often with ease and convenience, rather than a bulky and cumbersome system. At times transportation efforts become more hectic & expensive than the actual monitoring exercise. Based on our experience and valuable feedback obtained from our large group of valuable customers, regulatory authorities, consultants, and R&D Centers, need for improved and Handy instrument has been felt.
The Stack Sampler VSS1 has been designed to overcome such problems. The operating principle is simple. The Particulate Matter is collected over a filtration thimble. It entrap and absorbs various gaseous pollutants in suitable reagents, which are analyzed subsequently by simple Wet Chemistry methods to determine the concentration of specific pollutants.
- DigitalPressure Cell in place of cumbersome manometer.
- Measures total quantity I volume of emissions.
- Determines velocity of gases.
- Reduction in size and weight of panel.
- Extendable arm for pitot and probe pipe.
- Probe set accommodated in a carrying case.
- Provision of measuring temperature and suction pressure at metering point individually for PM & GAS stream.
- Minimum number of joints to minimize leakages.
- Tripod stand for better accessibility.
- Compact Hardware & Portable light weight vacuum pump.
- Sampling train with simplified glass joints.
Size and Weight (approx) | Length (mm) | Width (mm) | Height (mm) | Weight (Net) Kg |
VSS1 Instrument Box | 480 | 310 | 140 | 7 |
Vacuum Pump Assembly | 310 | 150 | 170 | 10 |
Probe Set | 810 | 155 | 210 | 14 |
Stack Temperature Range | Ambient to 600 deg C read on a Digital Pyrometer |
Stack Velocity Range | 3 to 60 m/sec |
Thermocouple | TIC sensor in SS 304 casing, length of insertion: 0.6 m with 2m long cable |
Manometer | Digital with 0-1300 mm of H,0 range |
Pitot Tube | Calibrated S-type fabricated -SS 304, 0.6 m extendable to 1.2m |
Particulate Sampling | 2-30 lpm collection on thimble type filter up to 0.3 micron rating |
Gaseous Sampling | 0.2-3 LPM collection in a set of Borosilicate glass impingers |
Rotameter | Plastic body with 2% FSD accuracy, 0-30 lpm PM and 0 - 3 lpm for GAS |
Sampling Probe | Made from SS 304 tube, 0.6 m length extendable to 1.2m |
Filter Holder | Fabricated from SS 304 tube suitable to hold either cellulose filtration thimble (Size 28mm 10 X 100 mm long) or glass micro fibre thimble (size19mm ID X 90mm long) |
Nozzles | A set of 3 stainless steel nozzles |
Digital Clock | 0-60 minutes, 1second readout with start and stop switches |
Sampling Train | 1 No. of 240 ml cap. & 2 No. of 120 ·ml cap. borosilicate glass impingers accommodated in ice tray, placed on the rear side of instrument panel with a provision to keep ice |
Vacuum Pump | Monoblock Rotary Vane type, oil lubricated, single phase::.: motor (230V) with more than 50. lpm free flow capacity |
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