Provided with digital display, it monitors temperature, velocity and total quantity of emissions from stationary sources
The Velocity Monitor VVM1 is designed to determine the velocity of flue gases in stationary sources. In situations where determination of rate of flow inside a chimney alone is of interest, this instrument can be used very conveniently to measure the total quantity/volume of the emissions. The Digital Manometer is capable of reading flue gas velocities as low as 3m/s and upto a maximum of 50m/s.
Velocity Monitor VVM1 is provided with a Digital Pyrometer and a Thermocouple capable of sensing temperatures up to 600 degree Celsius. It uses a thermocouple connected to a Digital pyrometer for measuring the flue gas temperature. The pyrometer provides automatic cold junction compensation and displays temperature in degrees centigrade.
- Handy & Compact
- Digital Pressure Cell instead of cumbersome liquid manometer
- No threaded couplers
- Gives reliable and highly accurate readings
- Carrying case for easy portability